What to eat in the autumn to detoxify the liver


In the dry autumn, many people have symptoms such as constipation, bad breath, poor face, which may be caused by bad liver detoxification. So what's bad about liver detoxification in autumn? 15 kinds of foods help you protect your liver.

What does the liver detoxification eat in autumn?

The liver is also needed in the autumn, and the liver is an important detoxification organ. When the liver detoxifies badly, some symptoms such as constipation, halitosis, melasma, acne, and dull complexion usually appear. So what's bad about liver detoxification in autumn?


1, water

The liver acts as the body’s largest detoxification organ, and all toxins in the body are almost metabolized by the liver and excreted. This process requires a lot of water, water is not enough, the body's toxins are not easily diluted, more difficult to excrete, which is a big burden on the liver. So fall health care should pay more.

2, vinegar

"Hepatic sour acid", according to the principle of sourness into the liver, you can eat more rice vinegar in the daily, in addition to Yigan also can prevent colds. Liver-positive hemiplegia in elderly hypertensive patients, daily vinegar 40 ml, warm water dilute after Beverage Service; can also be used to soak vinegar eggs or vinegar soaked beans, eat eggs or beans, the effect is quite good.

3, 枸杞

In addition to detoxification, the liver should also enhance its ability to resist toxins. With phlegm water can remove liver fire. The best way to get the best results is to decoct it. Put the clams into the casserole, add water, blanch the fire, and then use a low heat to decoct for 30 minutes. After the air is dry in the fall, take the right amount of wolfberry and wash it, and cook the porridge together with the glutinous rice. It has a good nourishing and moistening effect.

4, garlic

The allergic smell of garlic is caused by allicin. A number of studies have confirmed that allicin can maintain the activity of macrophages, increase the ability to kill bacteria and promote lymphocyte proliferation, and can avoid the accumulation of abdominal fat, while enhancing detoxification in the liver Enzyme activity. It is best to crush the garlic into mud and let it for 10 to 15 minutes before eating. This is beneficial to allicin formation.

5, kelp

Kelp, seaweed and other seaweeds can help the liver to detoxify and prevent the body from absorbing cadmium and other toxic heavy metals and other environmental toxins. According to a study by McGill University in Canada, brown algae contains compounds that reduce the absorption of radioactive particles by bones.

6, mushrooms

Mushrooms are sweet, flat, cool, there is liver and kidney, spleen and stomach, soothe the nerves, beauty effect. Lentinan can significantly reduce and resist the liver damage caused by toxic chemicals such as CCl4, and has the effect of protecting the liver.

7, lotus seeds

Although the taste of lotus seeds is extremely bitter, it can detoxify and inflame the fire. It is good for the upset and heartburn caused by the overheating of fire, and the acne ulcers and the resulting flaming, and it also helps us to get rid of acne. Moreover, although it is cold, it does not damage the body's yang. Licorice can enhance the detoxification of lotus seeds, but also improve the bitter taste of lotus seeds. The two together to drink tea, is a good drink Oh!

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