Pre-spring tea production management technology


1, shallow ploughing and fertilization. Through shallow ploughing, the soil can be loosened and the soil temperature raised, and early spring tea can be promoted. The shallow ploughing time is generally from the end of February to the beginning of March. Shallow ploughing combined with Shichun tea precipitating fertilizer, tea garden without basal fertilizer in autumn and winter last year, spring tea precipitating fertilizer and basal fertilizer applied at the same time, fertilization time: Early-maturing varieties of tea plantations were applied before the end of February, middle and late varieties of tea plantations at the end of February to 3 Early into the month. Fertilization method: After shallow ploughing in the tea plantation, open the ditch (3-5 cm deep in the ditch) and apply it to cover soil to prevent loss of volatile fertilizer. Too dense tea gardens should be carried out before cloudy days and rainy days if they are thrown. Otherwise, the tea leaves and fertilizer components will be easily burned.

2, tea tree trim. For early mining, picking famous teas, general Chenglin tea garden will be pruned before the spring tea to prune after the spring tea, pruning time is generally conducted before May 20th, should sooner rather than later, or affect the growth of tea. For clonal mature young tea gardens, tea trees must be well-trimmed during the spring tea, and the tops of the tea tree should be topped with a topping so as to rapidly cultivate the canopy and form a flat picking surface. Pruning method: The first shaping pruning is carried out when the tea seedlings are transplanted and planted, and the main branch is cut off at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. The second time setting pruning is carried out at the end of February to early March of the second year after the tea seedlings are planted. 30-35 centimeters away from the ground to cut flat, the third stereotyped pruning is carried out in the third year after planting, 45-50 centimeters away from the ground to cut, spring tea supplemented by top mining, the general spring tea to leave the two leaves as well .

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