IDC: Mobile healthcare will become the focus of IT construction in 2013


With the development of the Internet, informatization has penetrated into enterprises in various industries. At present, after years of informatization construction, the basic informationization of various industries has been completed, and the focus of IT construction has been transformed from past infrastructure construction to operation and value creation. In the process of transformation, new information technologies such as cloud computing, mobile, and large Data and social commerce will play an important role.

Taking the medical industry as an example, the current mobile informatization ( mobile medical ) is receiving great attention from medical companies. According to IDC's top ten IT trends in China's healthcare, mobile medical care will become the key IT system of medical institutions in 2013. one. It is understood that at present, mobile applications are mainly used in the ward rounds of nurses and doctors. It is expected that more and more hospitals will begin to deploy mobile applications in 2013, and hospitals that have already deployed pilot projects will improve the problems in mobile applications. And expand the pilot business.

Lu Jingtai, director of the Information Center of the Second Artillery General Hospital, pointed out in an interview that the hospitals with relatively early mobile medical applications started in 2008 and 2009. The main reason for the development of mobile application mobile or other mobile services is not to say This technology is not mature, I think it is more likely to be in security. From now on, mobile medical care in hospitals is based on IPAD. Mobile office should be said to be more complicated. Therefore, from the past few years, mobile medical convenience has also represented some problems. Although the security technology is relatively high, it still exists. Security risks.

Wang Jun, a medical director, pointed out that mobile informatization should be said to be still in its infancy. The demand for enterprises in this area is huge. At the same time, mobile informationization needs IT information departments to carry out some promotion and promotion. If there is no mobile information, it is inconvenient. Daily reimbursement and approval. Mobile informatization is currently in its infancy.

Hou Feng, director of the Information Technology Education Project Office of the Hospital Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Health, said that mobile information technology is mainly reflected in two aspects. From the hospital perspective, it is convenient for medical personnel to record or query relevant information anytime and anywhere. From the public point of view, it is convenient for patients to inquire. His past medical history and current status.

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