Autumn replenishment eat 4 kinds of fruit


After a cool summer, the cool autumn followed, although the autumn was cool, but also brought another problem, dry, in the fall face, body, lips are the most vulnerable to water shortage, which makes everyone very annoyed, skin Once no water is easy to aging, today Xiaobian introduced several fruits to help you regain supple skin!



The pear is sweet and cool, slightly acidic, and has the effect of clearing away heat and producing lungs and phlegm. It is a good fruit for prevention and treatment of Qiuzao. Pears can maintain the health of cell tissue and also soften blood vessels. In nutrition science, pear has a very loud name - natural mineral water. Succulent, low residue, but dietary fiber and b vitamins are very rich. Many people have symptoms of pruritus in the fall. Therefore, supplementing moisture is the most important, and pears are the best moisturizing fruit.


Because pomegranates contain very rich minerals, as well as anthocyanins and red pomegranate polyphenols, two antioxidants, but also contains vitamin C, linoleic acid and folic acid, etc., can quickly add moisture to our skin. Pomegranate is warm, sweet, sour, and astringent. It has the effect of thirst and thirst. It is suitable for the symptoms of dryness, dry throat, polydipsia, chronic diarrhea, frequent leucorrhea, etc. in Tianjin.


Hawthorn sweet and sour, lukewarm, there are detoxification, refreshing, clearing the stomach, refreshing, increase appetite, in addition to fat and blood pressure and other effects. Hawthorn contains vitamin c, carotene and other substances can block and reduce the production of free radicals, can enhance the body's immune system, anti-aging, anti-cancer effect, Hawthorn rich in nutrients, vitamin c and calcium content are high, suitable for high Blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetics and children eat.


Grapes are the king of beauty in the fruit industry. Contains a large amount of grape polyphenols, with antioxidant function, can block the proliferation of free genes, effectively delay aging; it also contains tannic acid, citric acid, has a strong convergence effect and soft moisturizing effect. In addition, the grape flesh contains vitamin B3 and rich in minerals, which can deeply moisturize, anti-aging and promote the regeneration of skin cells. Grape also has the effect of replenishing qi and blood, strengthening bones and muscles, meridians, swelling, and urination. It is suitable for people with anemia, hypertension, edema, neurasthenia, and fatigue. Grapes have a high iron content and are also suitable for children, women and frail anemia.

Vaccines In Vial

Influenza Vaccine, Live, Nasal, Freeze-dried Exclusively authorized by the WHO in China

Influenza Vaccine, Live, Nasal, Freeze-dried is a cooperative project with the WHO, which has been included in Global Action Plan for Influenza Vaccines (GAP)[1]. Hundreds of millions of doses have been used in the world, and Changchun BCHT Biotechnology Co. has the exclusive right of production and

operation in China.

Intranasal spray administration, no injection and no pain

The vaccine is inoculated by nasal spray, equipped with nasal spray device, and only needs to spray once a year in two nostrils to prevent influenza.

Mucosal immunity + Cellular immunity + Humoral immunity

After influenza virus attacks human body, it widely exists in nasal cavity, respiratory tract and other mucosal parts, as well as in body fluids and cells.

Vaccination of Influenza Vaccine, Live, Nasal, Freeze-dried can quickly stimulate the triple immune response of human body, and carry out defense

against viruses in different parts:

·Intranasal administration can produce mucosal immunity (IgA antibody), which forms the first immune defense line in the nasal cavity.

·Produce humoral immunity (IgG antibody) to remove influenza virus from body fluids.

·Produce cellular immunity (T cells) to remove influenza virus from cells

3+N More extensive protection

The production strains are recommended and supplied by the WHO every year.

The vaccine can not only effectively resist the vaccine strain, but also produce cross immunity to other subtypes of influenza virus.

Produced with SPF embryonated eggs


The chick embryos for vaccine production comes from SPF (specific pathogen free) chicken flocks, so the risk of exogenous pathogenic microorganism

pollution is excluded.

Free of inactivator, split agent and preservative

Influenza Vaccine Live Manufactured,Influenza Vaccines In Vial,Flu Vaccine In Vial,Influenza Vaccine While Having Flu

Changchun BCHT Biotechnology Co. ,