People with poor gastrointestinal function are not suitable for eating coarse grains


With the improvement of people's living standards, people's life concept has gradually changed, and the balance of nutrition has received more and more attention. The coarse grains that once faded out of people's eyes slowly entered the field of vision. Coarse grains can prevent diseases, but they are rough and indigestible, so not everyone is suitable for eating coarse grains.

Refinement and refinement of modern life have become a cause of many nutritional diseases. Diabetes, gout, hypertension, colon cancer, obesity, etc. are gradually threatening human health.


"Coarse grain" refers to relatively regular and fine grain processing. It mainly includes cereals such as corn, millet, purple rice, sorghum, oats, buckwheat, wheat bran, and various dried beans such as soybeans, green beans, and red beans. Beans, mung beans and so on. It is undeniable that advocating people to properly eat coarse grains can prevent diseases.

Because cellulose can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol, reduce high blood lipids, promote bowel movements, prevent constipation; and B vitamins, especially vitamin B1 can prevent beriberi. At the same time, many coarse grains also have medicinal value. For example, buckwheat contains “chlorophyll” and “rutin” that other grains do not have and it can treat high blood pressure.

However, excessive intake of coarse grains can also be detrimental to human health. First, the nutritional value of coarse grains itself is not high, and it is not easy to digest, and the absorption rate is low. Second, the dietary fiber that is contained in coarse grains can affect the body's absorption of nutrients such as calcium and iron. Although the coarse grains are not suitable for all people, some people with special physiques should not eat coarse grains.

1. People with poor gastrointestinal function

In people with weak gastrointestinal function, eating too much dietary fiber is a great burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

2, the lack of calcium, iron and other elements of the crowd

Because coarse grains contain phytic acid and dietary fiber, they combine to form precipitates that impede the body's absorption of minerals.

3, people suffering from digestive diseases

If you have cirrhosis or esophageal varices or gastric ulcers, eating a lot of coarse grains can cause venous bleeding and ulcer bleeding.

4, people with low immunity

If the long-term daily intake of cellulose exceeds 50 grams, it will make people's protein supplement obstructed, reduced fat utilization, resulting in bone, heart, blood and other organs damage, reduce the body's immune capacity.

5. People with heavy physical activity

Coarse grain has low nutritional value and low energy supply, and it provides insufficient nutrition for those who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

6, growth and development of young people

Due to the special requirements of nutrients and energy for growth and development and physiological requirements for hormone levels, coarse grains not only hinder the absorption of cholesterol and its conversion into hormones, but also hinder the absorption and utilization of nutrients.

7, the elderly and children

Because the digestive function of the elderly is diminished, and the child's digestive function is not yet perfect, digesting a large amount of dietary fiber is a great burden on the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the absorption and utilization of nutrients is relatively low, which is not conducive to the growth and development of children.

Dietitians pointed out that it is necessary to eat coarse grains, but they must pay attention to the thickness of the ingredients, and at the same time, they must also use nutritious foods. For example, you can mix rations of coarse grains with fine grains or eat them with protein or mineral-rich foods to help absorb them. At the same time, people who are not suitable for eating more coarse grains should try their best to reduce the consumption of coarse grains so as to avoid malnutrition.

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