Citrus Sapling November Management Points


Deep-turning and reforming the soil: Grab the deep turning of the young orchard and change the soil and combine the decomposed organic fertilizer to open the deep-buried burial facilities.

New Garden Autumn Plant: Grasping the new orchard's autumn plant, pay attention to drought prevention and anti-freezing after planting.

Pruning and shaping: Weeding out the unfamiliar late autumn shoots of weak trees, erasing the newly-discharged winter shoots, reducing the nutrient consumption of the trees, and facilitating the spring shoots in the coming year. The saplings that are blown by the early typhoon should be solidified in time or supported with wooden sticks;

Foliar spraying: late autumn shoots that are not fully ripe, can be added to the nutrition of the leaf surface, and promote old and green shoots, increasing the nutritional resistance of the tree. For weak trees that do not bear fruits in the coming year: Spray gibberellin 100ppm in late November to prevent flowering in the coming year. For the next year, young fruit trees are planted: 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + water-soluble organic fertilizer + high-boron zinc-magnesium fertilizer, 1 or 2 times, to promote flower bud differentiation.

Pest control: pesticides to eliminate overwintering pests, eradication of moss, soot, etc., can be used later this month lime + bactericidal pesticides trunk white antifreeze.

Effective agents: Mancozeb or Prosin Zinc + Chlorpyrifos + Ethylcarbazole or Kezite, etc., in time to eliminate the red spider and other pests. Http://Content/80a42a4f-eebc-4e75-9f6d-e9014cac2dbd?cType=2

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