Side effects of drinking green tea


There are many people in life who like to drink green tea. Not only does the green color make people look relaxed and happy, but it also has a very high health care effect. However, for the side effects of green tea, it is believed that there are not many people who know and understand. Experts remind that the side effects of green tea will also seriously affect human health.

1. Caffeine
The side effects of green tea are mostly due to the caffeine content contained in it. This ingredient is very unfavorable to human health. After a lot of research has found that each cup of green tea contains nearly 40 milligrams of caffeine, so if you drink in large quantities, it will lead to nerve stimulation. Green tea can be very refreshing in the role of caffeine, but if you do not pay attention to control it will seriously damage the nerve health, but also may lead to instability at night and insomnia.


This is because the nerves of people who drink green tea often become very sensitive and can seriously affect the normal sleep at night. In addition, green tea can cause symptoms of hypertension, anxiety, irritability, heart palpitations, frequent urination, and nausea.

2. Anemia
Many times there is another cause of anaemia, that is excessive drinking green tea, I believe this is unimaginable to many people. Experts remind that in normal life, it should be appropriate to drink less green tea, otherwise it is likely to affect the body's absorption and utilization of iron, resulting in symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. Iron is a very important raw material for our body's hematopoiesis. At the same time, it is also the main substance that promotes the production of red blood cells. If there is a lack of iron in the body, it will lead to an insufficiency of red blood cells, which will lead to anemia.

In addition, studies have also found that extracts in green tea also reduce the absorption rate of certain nutrients and non-heme iron by 25%, which is one of the major causes of iron deficiency anemia in humans.

3. Pregnancy risk
In particular, pregnant women should avoid drinking too much green tea as much as possible during pregnancy. Any tea drink should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy, otherwise it may increase the risk of pregnancy. This is because green tea contains a large amount of substances such as caffeine, catechins, and tannins, which threaten the health and growth of pregnant women and fetuses. The researchers found that excessive intake of green tea can cause infants to have neural tube defects. Therefore, pregnant women should preferably drink less green tea and other varieties of tea during pregnancy.

At the same time, be careful not to allow children to drink tea too early, because the tannins in the tea will hinder the absorption of nutrients, such as the most important protein and fat and other nutrients such as the child's growth and development. In addition, it will further lead to the fragility of bones and teeth, and even cause children to have allergies.

4. Beriberi
Long-term excessive consumption of green tea may also cause you to suffer from beriberi, because certain components of green tea will reduce the absorption of thiamine (vitamin B1), in which case it will lead to the growth of bacteria and mold. And there is beriberi. Beriberi is a disorder of the central nervous system. Long-term non-healing is likely to cause discomfort such as weight loss, impaired sensory organs, weakness, pain in the limbs, edema, and irregular heartbeat.

These are the side effects of green tea. Although green tea has a good health care function, these side effects can not be ignored. Otherwise, the impact on human health is also very large.

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