Cauliflower Bone Fry Breeding


Hemibarbus maculates is a subfamily of the family Acipenseridae. It is mainly distributed in rivers, lakes and reservoirs in the Yangtze River basin. The largest individual is 2 kg and is a medium-sized and small fish with high economic value. Fish and fish bones are beautiful in shape, eating habits, a wide range of breeding, high group yield and delicate meat, delicious taste, the market is pretty good sales, but because of its delicate constitution, impatience, intolerance of hypoxia, and poor ability to catch food in the pond, Therefore, it has not been effectively developed. With the increase of people's consumption levels, the fish and fish bones that are captured by nature alone cannot meet the market demand. From 2000 to 2002, on the basis of artificial propagation of fry, we conducted experiments on the cultivation of flower-bone fish seedlings and commercial fish culture and achieved success. 1 Seedling cultivation 1.1 Cultivation ponds The fish ponds for flower and fish bone culture are a unified standard square cement brick wall pool with an area of ​​210 m2 and a water depth of 1.2-1.5 m. The gravel bottom is easy to drain, and the water source is sufficient. The water quality is fresh; inlet and outlet Equipped with a solid anti-escape grille. The fish ponds are strictly sterilized with quicklime in front of the pond, injected with water 50-70mm after 2-3 days, and filtered with nylon gauze when water is poured to prevent the wild fish and the predator creatures from going along with the water pool. 1.2 Cultivation of palatability bait Fish manure 50, ammonium bicarbonate 5, superphosphate 10? After 2 days of fertilization, plankton bloomed, and the water quality was pale green. There were more small-sized palatability feeds such as algae and rotifers in the water body. At this time, the survival rate of the fish pool was high. In the actual operation, pay attention to the following two points. The first is that the peak season of palatability food organisms coincides with the time of the fry ponds, that is, when the algae and rotifers multiply, the fry ponds will ensure sufficient feed. The time of fertilization must be determined according to the water temperature and the duration of the pond. When the water temperature is 20-22°C, the fish will be fertilized 70-80 h before the pond; at 22-24°C, the pond will be fertilized 50-70 h before, and above 24°C. When the man 2d fertilize before the pool. The second is that the fertilization can not be too much, especially the amount of organic fertilizer can not be too much, the organic matter in the water-proof body is too oxygen-consuming and the pH value is lowered, which has a harmful effect on the fry, and it is best to use the organic fertilizer and the inorganic fertilizer in combination to ensure The nutrients needed for plankton breeding can reduce oxygen consumption and maintain good water quality. 1.3 Timely access to the pool Carefully feeding the fish and fish bone pool takes a period of mixed nutrition as the egg yolk has not completely disappeared. It can absorb the energy consumption of the yolk nutrition to maintain life activities, and can also feed on algae, protozoa, rotifers, etc. Bio-feeds; After 2-3 days of environmental adaptation and growth, fry generally exceeds 10 mm in length and can feed on larger plankton and artificially fed feeds, resulting in a high survival rate. From the experimental situation, the appropriate stocking density of fry is 400-450 tails/m2. Density more than 525 / m2, due to lack of food, water quality will affect the growth of fry, resulting in uneven size, reduce survival rate; density less than 250 / m2, although the survival rate and growth rate is slightly higher than 400-450 / m2 However, the water body has not been fully utilized and the economic efficiency is low. In order to ensure that there is sufficient food, when the fish is fresh in the pond, the soybean milk is spilled twice a day. After 5 days, the water quality begins to become fat, and 10-15 tons of fresh water is added in time. Water is added once every 2-5 days. After 15 days of feeding, appropriate amount of bean cake paste was fed at the pool side, and a small amount of soft-shelled turtle feed was added to the bean cake paste to protect the nutritional needs of the growth of the fry. 1.4 After rearing the fish species for 20-25 days, the body weight will increase by more than 200 times. After entering the summer fish breeding stage, the fish should be cultured in a timely manner to increase the survival rate and growth rate. Fish and fish bone summer flowers are relatively delicate and have poor ability to withstand adverse environments. Therefore, during the cultivation process, they should be provided with good water quality conditions and adequate and nutritious food materials. The fish pond is filled with 1.5-1.8 m of water, sufficient base fertilizer is applied, and large zooplankton such as cladocera and copepods are cultivated. The amount of fertilization depends on the quality of the water. In general, 3000- 4500 kg of organic fertilizer, 230 kg of urea, and 450-600 kg of phosphate fertilizer are applied per hectare. The fertile soil of the old pond is reduced by 30%-50%. When fish are stocked, they are soaked in 3% saline for 3 to 5 minutes to kill the pathogens and prevent them from getting infected after they are injured in the process of pulling nets and transportation. The stocking density is based on pond conditions, cultivation techniques, and outlet pond specifications. In those years, when commercial fish were cultivated, it was better to use thin-grained fish, and the stocking capacity per hectare was 180,000 to 230,000, and should not exceed 230,000. After 4-5 weeks of intensive cultivation, people can be transferred to adult fish culture; Adult winter fish, stocking density can be higher, stocking 450,000 - 600,000 per hectare, rearing for a period of time after the pool. After stocking, fish should be fed more. One must treat the water quality in time and fertilize it to keep the water rich in natural food. Fertilizer should be applied in small amounts several times, once every 2 days, each time organic fertilizer 700-1000 kg, inorganic fertilizer 0.3 g/m3 nitrogen, 0.1 g/m3 available phosphorus to calculate the amount of fertilizer, so that the transparency of the pool remained at 30-40 cm. Second, to feed a sufficient amount of high-quality feed to protect the nutrients needed for rapid growth of young fish. The proportion of compound feed at the beginning of stocking is: fishmeal 15%, bean cake 40%, bread cake 30%, wheat flour 15% and appropriate amount of inorganic salt, vitamins; 6-8 weeks after the feed ratio can be changed to: fishmeal 5%, bean flour 50%, 25% Lay cake, 20% wheat flour, and moderate amounts of inorganic salts and vitamins. When feeding, the feed is mixed with water and stacked on a feed stand. Daily feeding is limited to 1.0-1.5 h after eating. Third, we must strengthen water quality management and create a good living environment for fish species. Frequently adding new water and quicklime to adjust water quality, maintain proper pH and sufficient dissolved oxygen for water quality.

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