Life on earth or from the citric acid cycle


How come life on earth comes from? This is one of the mysteries of humanity. To answer this question, American scientists have proposed a new theory, the citric acid cycle, which may begin about 4 billion years ago, and as time goes by, the participating molecules continue to evolve. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications, published on the 9th.

The study's senior author, Dr. Raman Narayanan Krishnamur, associate professor of chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), said: "The issue of the origin of life is a black box for us, but if you focus on chemistry Reaction, it is not so daunting."

Researchers say that every aerobic organic matter, from flamingos to fungi, relies on citric acid to release the energy stored in cells. Previously, the researchers envisioned that the citric acid cycle of early life and modern life uses the same molecules, but the problem is that these biomolecules are very fragile and do not exist in the first billion years of the Earth, so the chemical reactions in the cycle are also does not exist.

The new study suggests that two abiotic cycles, the HKG cycle and the malonate cycle, may work together to initiate the original version of the citric acid cycle, which uses the a-keto acid and b- in the citric acid cycle. The basic chemical reaction of keto acid is the same. When the researchers performed these reactions, they found that they produced amino acids as well as carbon dioxide, which is the final product of the citric acid cycle. Researchers believe that with the emergence of biomolecules such as enzymes, they may replace non-biological molecules in these basic reactions, making the reaction more precise and efficient.

Krishnamur explained that as time goes by, the chemical reaction may remain the same, but the nature of the molecules involved in the reaction changes and the molecules become more complex. And to make these reactions more reasonable and plausible, the center of these reactions is a molecule called glyoxylate, which has been shown to appear on early Earth and is part of the current citric acid cycle.

Krishnamur said that more research is needed to see how these chemical reactions can be as sustainable as today's citric acid cycle.


"Who am I?" "Where am I from?" Whoever pressed the start button of Earth's life, the scientific community is still searching for various assumptions and clues, but it is always inconceivable. Understanding the origin of life has become the ultimate goal of scientific research from the exploration of the universe to the deep dive of the ocean, from biology, chemistry to archaeology and genetics. Although the road is long, the scientific and technological civilization has accumulated in the process of trying to solve the mystery.

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