Ecological planting technology and pest control under the forest in Yuzhong Building, Sichuan Province


滇重楼 is a medicinal herb that can be used for bruises, convulsions and convulsions. Today, the small series of brings you the ecological planting technology of the Xiazhong Building in the Sichuan Basin.


1 heavy plant resources

According to the records of the genus Plants, there are 24 species, 13 varieties and deformations of the genus Paris. There are 18 species (including subspecies) in Sichuan Province, most of which are distributed in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, evergreen broad-leaved forests, Yunnan pine forests, spruce forests, bamboo forests and shrubs or grass slopes in the basin-mountainous mountains and southwestern Sichuan. .

2 Main features of the 滇重楼

2.1 Morphological characteristics

Perennial herb. The rhizome is stout, the stem height is 20cm~100cm, it is hairless, often with purple-red, and there are 1~3 membranous leaf sheath clasps at the base. 5 to 11 leaves, green, round, 7 cm to 15 cm long, 2.2 cm to 5.5 cm wide, obovate-oblong or oblanceolate, apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate to round, The entire edge, often with a pair of obvious base veins, petiole length 0cm ~ 1.8cm.

2.2 Ecological habits

During the growth of the heavy building, high air humidity and shielding are required. Suitable for growing in areas with an altitude of 1600m ~ 3100m, the annual average temperature is 12 ° C ~ 13 ° C, frost-free period 270d or more.

2.3 Growth and development phenology

At the end of April and the beginning of May, the seedlings began to bloom. After the leaves were spread, the flowers began to bloom in mid-May. In late May, the fruit began to expand. In July, the fruit expanded. The fruit began to mature at the end of August. Most of the ripening was from mid-September to the end of October, and the fruit was inflated for 20 days. The fruit ripening period is 40 days, and the flowering period is not obvious.

3 Undergrowth ecological planting technology

Although the ecological planting techniques under the forest and the field planting techniques have many similarities, there are large differences. Field planting is carried out on a piece of land, with high planting density, shading, and unified management of the planted land. Under-forest ecological planting is a near-natural planting method. According to the ecological habits of wild heavy buildings and the phenology of forests, the stratification of different plants and the principle of spatial complementation of niche are used, as well as the diverse micro-habitats and suitable forests. The light transmittance of the canopy layer, with its natural shading, makes full use of the forest land resources and intercropping with the trees. It is managed for individual plants or clusters, and it is precisely positioned and more refined.

3.1 Land selection and site preparation

3.1.1 Planting site selection

The choice of planting land is the primary link of the ecological planting technology of Linxia Heavy Building. Studies have shown that the yield of heavy buildings is not related to altitude, but it is related to the type of soil, fertility and tillage level. Higher yields can be obtained by growing in loam soils with frequent reuse, organic matter content or quick-acting fertility; The altitude, soil type and fertility have no effect on the quality of the heavy building (ie rhizomes, or the total content of saponins I and saponins II in rhizomes). The choice of planting area focuses on the following factors:

(1) Types of stand: natural forests or plantations in the basin of Zhoushan or the southwestern Sichuan. Such as hard broad-leaved forest, soft broad-leaved forest, mixed forest, cypress forest, Houpu forest, yellow Berlin, Chinese fir forest, walnut forest and bamboo forest.

(2) Under-light environment: According to the current distribution of the gaps in the upper canopy, the area under the forest with a void ratio or light transmittance between 30% and 50% is selected, and the size of the plot is not limited. If you choose a larger forest window, you need shading; if the canopy is too dense, you need to remove the dense foliage on the tree. In short, the illuminance of the whole growth period is maintained between 30% and 50%.

(3) Soil microenvironment: mountainous yellow soil or brown soil with thick soil layer, loose texture, low gravel and thick humus layer, and avoiding depression (water accumulation) as a parent soil under the heavy building.

3.1.2 Plot selection and land preparation

After the planting area is determined, select the appropriate plot for land preparation. The preparation is carried out in the late autumn or early winter.

(1) Selection and land preparation of natural forest plots: Due to the large number of natural forest arbor species, there is no obvious plant spacing, the canopy structure is complex, and the micro-habitats under the forest are diverse, suitable for planting under the forest, and the planting plots vary in size. According to the specific habitat conditions under the forest, it can be planted in a single plant, planted in a cluster, or planted in a large area in a large forest hollow. After the planting plot is determined, the planting hole is cleaned and deep-turned, with a depth of 25cm to 30cm. The impurities and residues in the soil are removed, and the soil is disinfected and the pH is adjusted and the disinfection and insecticidal treatment are carried out.

(2) Selection and land preparation of plantation land: The plantation has regular plant spacing, single canopy, and simple habitat under the forest. The groove-like planting belt can be determined along the row or slope to the mountain, with a groove width of 30 cm to 50 cm. The ditch depth is 25 cm to 30 cm, and the ditch length depends on the specific forest condition. After ploughing the planting ditch, 750 kg to 1125 kg of lime per hectare is applied to soil disinfection and pH adjustment, so that the pH of the soil is between 6.5 and 6.8, and disinfection and insecticidal treatment.

3.1.3 Applying fertilizer and trenching

One month before planting, combined with land preparation, the base fertilizer is applied to the seeding ditch or hole, and the base fertilizer is applied. The base fertilizer is either superphosphate or humus in the forest or a special cultivation substrate for the decomposed farmyard manure + Chinese herbal medicine. The former applied 750 kg of calcium phosphate + 45 000 kg of humus soil per hectare as the base fertilizer, and the latter applied 45,000 kg to 7 500 kg of special cultivation substrate for Chinese herbal medicines per hectare, and then shallowly licked 1 time. Level the soil, make the tillage layer of the soil uniform, and form a sorghum height of 20 cm, to be planted.

In order to facilitate the drainage of the rainy season, it should be based on the line spacing or the slope to the mountain. The drainage ditch of each planting ditch is connected and has a water outlet.

3.2 Seedling breeding

The plant is a perennial herb that reproduces with rhizomes and seeds.

3.2.1 Variety selection

Select the excellent seeds or rhizomes of the sorghum or the seven-leaf flower of the base plant of the heavy building as the source of cultivation.

3.2.2 Seed propagation

The seeds of the heavy building have obvious post-maturing effects, and the embryos need to be matured before they can mature. Under natural conditions, seedlings can be unearthed after two winters, and the emergence rate is low. Most of the seeds mature in September-November, in order to enhance the seed germination, and the harvesting is carried out when the seed coat turns into a sauce red after the cracking of the capsule. Wash the harvested fruit to the flesh, slightly dry the water, and use it as a wet sand or soil layer to promote germination.

The specific method is as follows: the ratio of seed to sand (soil) is 1:5, and then the carbendazim WP of 1% of the seed weight is applied and mixed well, placed in the seedling box, placed indoors, and the germination temperature is maintained at 18 °C. ~22 °C, check every 15 days, keep the humidity of the sand between 30% and 40% (hold a handful of sand and hold it tightly to form a group, loosen it and then spread it out). In the second year of May, more than 50% of the seed radicles can be germinated when they germinate. The treated seeds were planted on a well-made seedbed at a row spacing of 5 cm × 5 cm. The seedbed was 1.2 m wide, 20 cm high and 30 cm wide. After sowing, the seeds are covered with 1:1 humus and grass ash. The soil is about 1.5 cm thick, and then a layer of pine needles or broken grass is placed on the surface of the sorghum. The thickness is not exposed to the soil, and the water is kept to keep it moist. In August of that year, a small number of seedlings emerged, and most of the seedlings will not grow until after the third year of May. The seedlings produced by the seeds grow slowly. After 3 years, the transplanted plants can be transplanted when the heavy roots form obvious rhizomes.


In general, the seedlings of the seedlings of the heavy building begin to bloom in the fifth year, and the growth rate increases rapidly. The weight of the rhizome can generally reach 8 g to 15 g, and can be graded according to the weight of the rhizome. The most suitable heavy planting seedlings have a root weight of about 10 g, which can be harvested after planting for 3 a to 4 years.

3.2.3 Rhizome reproduction

Due to the long seedling cycle, the current heavy building reproduction mainly uses root stalks to breed. The rhizome dicing propagation is divided into two methods: the top bud dicing and the apical bud cutting. The survival rate of the former is higher than that of the latter, and the growth amount is 1.5 to 2.5 times of the latter.

After the seedlings were planted, the rhizome was taken and cut in a direction perpendicular to the main axis of the rhizome, and cut from the rhizome at 2 cm below the top bud as a seedling with a top bud. After the incision, the wound is treated with grass ash or potassium permanganate solution for 30 min, concentrated in the seedbed for two months, so that the cut wound can be fully healed and stabilized, or transplanted, or 0.000 2% of 6-BA or 50% ABT rooting powder was soaked for 24 h. After drying slightly, the seedling bed in the greenhouse or small arch shed was placed at a distance of 2 cm × 2 cm, covered with soil 5 cm, and covered with a layer of pine needles to moisturize. The shoots with root buds with top buds will emerge in the spring of the second year, and the results will be flowered in the same year; the results will not begin with the top buds until the third year. The growth of the rhizome cultivars is fast, and can be harvested after transplanting for 3 to 4 years. The weight of the rhizome can generally reach 7 g to 12 g, and can be graded according to the weight of the rhizome.

3.3 Transplanting and colonization

3.3.1 Transplanting time

The transplanting time is generally from November to December after the seedlings are planted in the winter or from January to February in the following year. At this time, the roots of the transplanted plants grow faster, and the organs such as flowers and leaves develop completely in the bud sheath, and grow vigorously after emergence.

3.3.2 Planting methods

The row spacing of seedling transplanting plants was 10 cm~15 cm×20 cm~30 cm. When planting, the ditch was ditched at a distance of 20 cm from the sacral surface, and the ditch depth was 6 cm~7 cm. The roots are discharged according to the plant spacing of 10 cm to 15 cm. It is necessary to place the top bud tip upwards, cover the front ditch with the soil of the second ditch, and so on, the cover soil and the blemish surface are flat. After the sowing, cover the noodles with pine needles or straw, the thickness is not exposed, it plays the role of heat preservation, moisturizing and weed control. After planting, the root water is poured once, and then the soil is watered according to the soil moisture to keep the soil moist.

3.4 Field Management

3.4.1 cultivating and weeding

The heavy building requires loose soil. Therefore, after emergence, attention should be paid to weeding and weeding. Generally, it is combined with cultivating and weeding and loosening. Firstly remove the weeds around the 50 cm plant by hand to prevent the weeds from competing with the heavy building for the sake of light; in the cultivating, try to plough as much as possible, and not to damage the aboveground parts and fibrous roots of the heavy building.

3.4.2 Shading

Heavy building avoids strong light, afraid of high temperatures. Due to the shading effect of the canopy, the underlying forest is not required to be shaded. If the planting area is a forest hollow, it should be shaded in time after transplanting, or shaded with vine stems of vine crops, or shaded with 60% shading net, or bamboo woven into simple bamboo curtain Shade.

3.4.3 Water Management

During the growth of the 滇 heavy building, the suitable soil moisture is 30% to 40%, and the rhizome of the sloping stalk is perishable, resulting in plant death and reduced yield. The winter and spring seasons in the Sichuan Zhoushan area or the southwestern Sichuan area are relatively dry. The soil moisture under the forest is low, reaching less than 30%; the rainy season is from May to August, and the soil moisture is too large. After 10~15d, the water should be watered once every 10d to 15d to keep the soil moisture 30%~40%; in the rainy season, it is rainy, the soil is easy to be knotted, timely drainage and flood control; in winter, pay attention to drought prevention and antifreeze, timely watering, Cover the grass.

3.4.4 Topdressing and cultivating soil

The heavy fertilizer is mainly based on organic fertilizer, supplemented by compound fertilizer and various trace element fertilizers. Organic fertilizers include fully decomposed farmyard manure, livestock manure, oil and grass ash, crop straw, etc. It is forbidden to apply human excrement. Organic fertilizer should be stacked for more than 3 months before application (can be mixed with calcium phosphate) to fully decompose. The weight of the building is very large, especially for the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus. During the planting period, it is necessary to apply fertilizer.

The topdressing is 22 500 kg per hectare (according to 270,000 seedlings per hectare), and is applied once in mid-May and late August. At the same time of applying organic fertilizer, N, P, K fertilizers should be applied according to the growth of the squat building. The ratio of N, P and K fertilization in the 滇重楼 is generally 1:0.5:1.2, and each batch of urea, superphosphate, potassium sulphate is 150 kg, 300 kg, 180 kg. Fertilization should be carried out by spraying or pouring water. After fertilization, water should be poured once or applied before raining. The leaf area of ​​the 滇重楼 is large. During the vigorous growth period (July-August), foliar fertilization can be carried out to promote plant growth, sprayed with 0.5% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sprayed once every 15 days. , a total of 3 times. Spraying should be carried out on a sunny day and evening.

3.4.5 Picking the fruit

At the end of vegetative growth, for the heavy building that does not retain seed (ie, the rhizome is used as a medicine), measures may be taken to remove the ovary without leaving the fruit, but to retain the bracts (green for bracts for photosynthesis), ie After the flower buds are unfolded, the ovary is removed, and the nutrients are concentrated on the vegetative growth, which can promote the growth of the roots of the sorghum building and increase the dry matter accumulation of the roots.

3.5 Pest Control

3.5.1 Diseases

The main diseases are leaf spot, anthracnose, black box disease, stem rot and root rot. Leaf spot and anthrax mainly harm leaves. Black-spot disease begins at the tip or leaf base, producing a round or nearly circular disease class, sometimes spreading to the flower axis, forming leaf blight and stem blight. Stem rot first produces yellow-brown lesions at the base of the stem. After the lesion is enlarged, the tip of the leaf loses its water, and when it is severe, the stem base is wet and rotted. Root rot mainly harms underground rhizomes. The control measures: spraying 1% anise-disinfecting water 300-500 times solution, or 50% methylsulfuron suspension 1500-2000 times solution, or 50% phlegm-wet WP 1000-1500 times at the beginning of the disease . At the same time, remove the diseased seedlings, pay attention to drainage and moisture, and reduce the air humidity.

3.5.2 Pests

The main pests are mainly tigers and cockroaches, and they eat bites. The control measures: when the soil is used for hoeing, 22.5 kg to 30 kg of 5% phoxim granules per hectare, or 30.0 kg to 37.5 kg of 3% furosemide granules for soil disinfection and insecticide treatment. When the heavy building seedlings grow out, the fresh lettuce leaves sprayed with trichlorfon are placed on the noodles to trap the larvae.

4 Harvesting and processing

4.1 Harvest time

The medicinal heavy building is used as a rhizome. The heavy building of seed breeding seedlings was harvested best in the sixth year after transplanting, and the seedlings with root buds were best harvested in the fourth year after transplanting. Before and after the fall of the nursery in the autumn (the stalks of the ground), it can be harvested before the germination from November to December to the spring of the next year.

4.2 Harvesting method

Most of the root rhizomes of the heavy building grow in the topsoil and are easy to excavate. Try to avoid damage to the rhizome during mining and ensure that the rhizome of the heavy building is intact. Choose sunny days, first cut off the stems and leaves, then use the hoe to excavate from the side, dig out the entire rhizome, shake off the soil.

4.3 Origin processing

The rhizome of the heavy building after excavation, to clean the soil and the stems and leaves of the ground, the head is slightly smaller, but the head is good, the root system is developed and can be stored for the next year; the thicker, the water is brushed clean, the freshly opened Tablets, sheet thickness 2 mm ~ 3 mm, put into boiling water for 3 min ~ 5 min, remove dried or dried into medicine. On cloudy days, it can be dried by micro-fire at about 30 °C to avoid gelatinization.

4.4 Quality requirements

The quality requirements of the rhizome after harvesting and processing can be determined from the appearance traits and intrinsic quality, which is an important factor affecting the market price of the heavy building.

4.4.1 Appearance traits

The rhizome of high-quality heavy building has a flat cylindrical shape, slightly curved, and the surface is taupe. The rhizome is thick and strong, and the meat is firm. The cut surface is white to yellowish white and powdery. The gas is slight, the taste is slightly bitter and hemp.

4.4.2 Intrinsic quality

Intrinsic quality includes moisture content, total ash, total saponin I and heavy saponin II and DDT residue.

(1) Moisture content: According to the provisions of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2005 edition), the moisture content of rhizome of heavy building should not exceed 12.0%.

(2) Total ash content: According to the provisions of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2005 Edition), the total ash content shall not exceed 6.0%.

(3) Contents of saponins I and saponins II: According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2005 edition), the total content of saponins I and saponins II should not be less than 0.80%.

(4) DDT residual amount: DDT residual amount should not exceed 0.05 mg·kg-1; heavy metal As, Pb, Cd, Hg content should not exceed 0.2 mg·kg-1, 1.5 mg·kg-1, 0.05 mg· Kg-1, 0.01 mg·kg -1 g.

5 Packaging, storage and transportation

5.1 Packaging

Packaging materials require dryness, cleanliness, no odor, no deterioration of quality, and easy recycling and degradation. The packaging should be firm, sealed and moisture-proof to protect the quality. On the label on the outside of the package, the name, grade, quantity, harvest time, location, certificate of conformity and the person responsible for acceptance shall be indicated. Conditional growers should indicate the results of pesticide residue, heavy metal content and composition analysis.

5.2 Storage

Packed commodity materials should be stored in a clean, dry, cool, ventilated, odor-free warehouse in a timely manner. To prevent mildew, rodent, and insect pests, pay attention to regular inspections.

5.3 Transportation

Transportation tools must be clean, dry, odor-free, non-polluting, and should be protected from rain, moisture, and pollution during transportation. It is strictly forbidden to mix and transport goods that may contaminate their quality.

The above is the whole content of the ecological planting technology of the Xiazhong Building in the Sichuan Basin, and the vegetable farmers who need it can refer to it.

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