How to maintain winter tractor


Winter storage of tractors is an important part of technical maintenance. If the storage is poor, the losses caused during parking will far exceed the loss of working hours. There are three fears when the tractor parks in the winter: one is afraid of the body's corrosion. Once exposed to wind and rain for a long time, the surface of the body is exposed to oxygen and water vapor in the air to produce rust-like spots. Therefore, the tractor should be parked in a dry warehouse and covered with antirust paint and oil on the surface. Second, fear of aging rubber parts. Rubber products such as tires, etc., under ultraviolet radiation in the sun, will reduce the elasticity, aging and cracking. Therefore, the storage of tractors (sheds) must not have direct sunlight, and they must be covered with cloth when it is absolutely necessary. Three afraid that the storage battery does not discharge for a long time, resulting in plate vulcanization and electrolyte weight reduction and ice. Therefore, the storage battery should be placed under separate conditions, the outer surface can be scrubbed with soapy water, and then painted on the electric pile with grease or vaseline. Recharge every other month. In addition, when the winter harvest of tractors is over, routine maintenance is also required: First, scrub the sludge to protect the appearance of various components and reduce the corrosion factors. II. Dispose of diesel, lubricating oil and cooling water, and remove the storage battery and V-belt. Three, lubrication of the relevant parts, can be heated to about 120 °C with a number of engine oil, the foam disappears after the crankcase, crankshaft rotation, lubrication of the surface, and then release the oil. Fourth, the closed cylinder, a small amount of water-free oil can be added to the inlet, crankshaft crankshaft, so that oil attached to the top of the piston, cylinder liner and valve sealing seat, closed cylinder. Fifth, clean the air filter chamber and filter, and then air filter, muffler, water tank funnel mouth, tank mouth wrapped with cloth to prevent dust from entering. ? 6. Place the clutch in the "closed" position and place the shift lever in the neutral position. Raise the tractor's axle and lift the tire off the ground. In short, reasonable safekeeping and safe work for fire prevention and anti-theft can ensure the reliability of tractors in the next season.

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