Seven Misunderstandings of Crimson Planting


Myth #1: Saffron is better than saffron Saffron and saffron are two names of medicinal herbs. In the history of our country, saffron has always been imported from Western countries, and from India through Tibet into the interior, it is called saffron instead of being produced in Tibet. Myth 2: Saffron and saffron are the same medicinal materials. Both safflower and saffron are gynecological medicines, but saffron has good curative effect and is a rare medicinal material; safflower is bred by seeds every year, and saffron is perennial by bulbs. Breeding; safflower retail price of about 20 yuan / kg, while the retail price of safflower in Zhengzhou market is about 1-1.5 million / kg, the price is several hundred times higher than the safflower. Misunderstanding 3: Pouffan is the introduction of C. sinensis according to the "Chinese Dictionary of Medicine", Poflan from the "Soon to drink," Sabran Lan from the "essential essence", common name: Saffron, saffron, Fan Safflower, there is no "Bophang" said. However, judging from the introduction of the breeder, Pofran is the saffron, which is a fabricated name. Misunderstanding 4: Market prospect of saffron 渺茫 ​​Western safflower is a valuable gynecological medicine. It is not only widely used in medicine, but also used in food, dyestuffs, daily-use chemicals, etc. It is an important valuable raw material for beauty cosmetics and perfumery products. In Spain is known as "red gold." China has successfully introduced 22 provinces and cities including Zhejiang, Shanghai, Henan and Beijing. In 2001, it was listed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a key Chinese herbal medicine brand. According to the relevant information, the production of saffron in China now accounts for only about 20% of the demand. Every year still need to spend a lot of foreign exchange to introduce saffron. The international gap in Japan is even greater, with an annual output of 400 kilograms, an annual demand of 40,000 kilograms, accounting for only 1% of the demand. Since the 1990s, the transaction prices of safflower in the ten major medicinal materials markets such as Guangzhou and Anguo have been stable. Between 5000 and 100 million yuan/kg, the pharmacy retail price is around 15,000 yuan/kg, and the international market price is around 2,000 dollars/kg. With the expansion of the scope of application of saffron, the demand will increase, and the demand for safflower will increase. The market price will be higher. Myth #5: It is difficult to cultivate saffron. People habitually believe that valuable medicinal materials are generally difficult to grow. In fact, the cultivation technology of safflower is relatively simple and similar to that of farmers. The saffron is warm, cool, hot and cold, and the soil is fertile sandy soil. Most areas in China can be planted. China generally adopts the method of indoor flower collection (without soil, water and fertilizer, relying on bulbs for its own nutrition), and propagation of bulbs in fields. Our province can grow completely. In areas such as Jiaozuo and Luoyang, there are many large cultivars of safflower for many years, and areas in the north of Beijing need to be cultivated in protected areas. Myth #6: Low economical cost of saffron Western safflower bulbs are housed indoors from July to October. The flowers are harvested from late October to early November. The growing period of indoor flowers is about 60 days. The bulbs are transplanted to the middle of November. Daejeon harvests bulbs in early May. One mus of safflower is planted. Generally, about 1 kilogram of dried flowers are harvested in the mu, and the yield is up to 2 kg. The bulbs are harvested from 500 to 100 kilograms. The annual production value is about 15,000 yuan. The production of safflower bulbs is increased by 2-3 times per year. The second year After the bulbs do not have investment, according to the expansion of 2 acres, the mu income is about 15,000 yuan, 2 mu income is about 3 million. Planting saffron is an investment and long-term benefit. Misunderstanding 7: The development of western safflower cultivation in our province lags behind Although the income of planting safflower is high, due to the low yield and large investment, the average farmer can not afford to invest in large-scale cultivation. Therefore, cultivation of safflower needs to be developed according to its own economic conditions. Moreover, the source of crocuses is limited, and people have a process of understanding saffron. This requires a group of farmers with vision and economic strength to drive the development of the Safflower industry. The safflower cultivation technology is similar to that of growing garlic, which is generally available to farmers. The market price of saffron has been relatively stable since the 1990s, and there is no need to worry about sales. Although safflower is a large investment, it is an investment and long-term benefit. It is a good project suitable for long-term development in rural areas.

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