Cordyceps sinensis efficacy and action and edible method


Effect and Function of Cordyceps

Cordyceps sinensis, also known as Chinese caterpillar fungus, is also referred to as Cordyceps sinensis. It is a traditional Chinese valuable traditional Chinese medicinal material. It is a bat moth larvae that parasitizes Cordyceps sinensis in Cordyceps sinensis in alpine meadow soil. It is ossified, and under suitable conditions, it is formed by the growth of rod-like sub-bases in the summer from the head of the worm. Mainly in China's Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and other alpine areas and snow-capped mountains snowfields.

1, regulate the immune system function. The immune system is very traditional Chinese medicine in the human body. It is resistant to tumors, removes aging and necrotic tissue, and fights against viruses, bacteria and other microbial infections. The normality of the immune system allows the body to escape the fate of tumors, and people with problems in the immune system may develop into tumors.

2, direct combat tumors. Cordyceps extract has a clear effect of inhibiting and killing tumor cells. Cordyceps contained in cordyceps is the main component that directly exerts anti-tumor effects.

3, adjust the heart and liver function. Cordyceps can improve the heart's ability to tolerate oxygen deprivation and reduce the heart's consumption of oxygen. At the same time can also reduce the toxic substances on the liver damage, fight the occurrence of liver fibrosis. Ultraviolet enhances antiviral ability by regulating immune function.

4, other effects. Cordyceps sinensis can directly resist the virus, regulate the function of the central nervous system, and regulate the ability of the ability to play a full role in health care for the human body. Since ancient times, there has been a reputation for "Xiancao." It is not only a guarantee of its own health, it can bring a healthy quality of life.


Cordyceps sinensis edible method

There are many edible methods for Cordyceps sinensis. It can be used to make soup, tea, sparkling wine and flour. Here are some commonly used methods.

Cordyceps stewed lamb

10g of Cordyceps sinensis, 10g of gunnock, 10g of Cistanche, 100g of mutton, 2 pieces of ginger. Put the lamb in boiled water for 5 minutes, remove and wash it, and then wash Cordyceps sinensis, Guntianxiong and Cistanche with clean water, put them in a stew pot, add appropriate amount of water, stew for 3 hours, and finally put salt. Seasoning. This soup can treat dark circles, dizziness and floaters.

Cordyceps stewed duck

1 duck, 5-8 cordyceps, moderate amount of onion ginger salt. Wash the duck and place it in a casserole. Add spices such as Cordyceps sinensis and salt, ginger onion, etc., add water, and stew with low heat until it dries. It is also possible to put Cordyceps into the belly of the duck. This kind of dog supplements to help the yang, suitable for people with chronic illness and weakness, can improve on anemia, night sweats, and impotence.

Cordyceps soup

10g of Cordyceps, 8 eggs, ginger 10g, light blue 10g, pepper 2g, salt 5, chicken soup 300g. Wash the Cordyceps and use wine gold medals, boiled first boiled for 1 minute, then put Cordyceps 2-3 hops in each pupa belly, and then tightly wrapped in a line into the stew pot, the chicken soup with salt and pepper Adjust well, pour into the jar, seal with wet tissue paper, long steamer for 40 minutes. This can help qi and blood to benefit lungs and kidneys and is used in women's health care.

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