Scientific management of pregnant rabbits


Before and after the mating of the female rabbit until the fifteenth day of pregnancy, the female rabbit was limited to feeding or supplemented according to the body condition, and preventing the female rabbit from being over-fat was not conducive to production. Thin and weak female rabbits should seize the opportunity to strengthen feeding, promote its rejuvenation as soon as possible, to lay a solid foundation for nurturing the baby. The female rabbits during the post-pregnancy and lactation period should adopt free-feeding to meet the rapid growth and development of fetuses and puppies in the body and prevent the occurrence of hanging milk accidents. The focus of this issue is to feed as much as possible, so that the female rabbits can eat and eat well.

Second, do a good job of consignment work, supply enough water and determine according to production needs, aquaculture levels, feed formula, adjust the number of puppies, the maximum number of pups and the number of pups must not exceed the number of female rabbits, can not be placed in puppies should The litter was abandoned on the day of birth. Irrespective of whether pregnant rabbits or breast-feeding rabbits are allowed to use moldy feeds, it is unclear whether harmful drugs may not be used for pregnant rabbits. Otherwise, miscarriages and deaths may occur. In the winter, the death of young rabbits caused by hypothermia should not be ignored. Attention should be paid to it. Some pregnant rabbits have no signs before birth and post-partum hair removal should be eliminated.

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