Careful introduction of improved species


Good seeds are the necessary guarantee for the acquisition of the material basis for high-quality and high-yield crops. Therefore, we must be careful when choosing good seeds, and we must not engage blindly. Therefore, I hope that the majority of farmers will pay attention to the following five points: First, the species must be targeted. According to the local ecological conditions, species characteristics and production needs to determine what species to introduce, must not hear about it without considering other conditions blindly introduced. Second, bogey blind exotic introduction. Introduction should pay attention to the natural environment conditions in both places. Generally speaking, introduction in latitude, humidity, sunshine, etc., is unlikely to occur in areas where the conditions are not much different. The possibility of success is greater, blind introduction to exotic regions may be less successful, and risks are greater. At the same time, the introduction must also consider the soil, water and fertilizer factors in the two places. Third, pay attention to the growth period of good seeds. Seed seed must pay attention to the growth period of good seeds. If the introduction of good seeds has a long growing period, the local frost-free period will be shorter than the introduction of good seeds, which will cause the crops to produce less or even lose their crops. Generally speaking, the potential for success of the South Seed South is greater, while the South Seed and the North are more cautious. Fourth, we must first test and then promote. Seed seeds must strictly follow the principle of "first promotion after the test," the use of seeds, the initial introduction of the seeds should not be too much, after the test is successful and then according to production needs, the appropriate amount of the introduction and promotion. V. To inspect the “three certificates” in order to prevent being deceived, it is necessary to check the “seed sub-license”, “seed quality certification” and “plant quarantine certificate” before introducing the seeds. Only the seeds with the “three certificates” must be examined. In order to ensure safety and reliability. At the same time, after purchasing seeds, the party and government forces will ask for invoices so that they can claim compensation when problems arise.


Fresh White Garlic,Fresh Garlic,White Garlic

Rich Farmer International Trade Co., Ltd. ,