What tea to drink in the summer to prevent fire


What tea to drink in the summer to prevent fire?

1, chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea has chrysanthemum tea that can lower blood pressure. The chrysanthemum used is chrysanthemum, and its taste is not bitter. It is best to use the big white chrysanthemum or chrysanthemum produced in the vicinity of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Each time about 3 grams of tea is used for drinking. Three times a day. Chrysanthemum plus honeysuckle and licorice can also be used for tea consumption. It has special effects of Pinggan Mingmu, detoxification and detoxification; it has significant curative effect on patients with hypertension and arteriosclerosis.


2, ginseng tea

8 to 15 slices of American ginseng and a few leaves of Biluochun are put together in a tea set, and they are opened with a pure boiling water of 80°C for 5 minutes. Ginseng tea qi, Jieshu, heatstroke. American ginseng has a good qi effect, especially during the hot season; Biluochun green tea has aroma and heat-clearing effect. The combination of the two, Biluochun's fragrant odor helps the American ginseng to play a role in qi, but also can prevent lit.

3, green tea

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants such as catechin and vitamin C, which not only frees up free radicals in the body, but also makes the paraneotropin secrete hormones that fight stress, leaving you refreshed. It is best to drink during the day.

4, tea

It is rich in beta carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. It has the functions of nourishing liver, kidney, and eyesight, and it is very helpful for the computer family's eyes with sourness, fatigue, and deeper vision.

5. Zhu Yeqing

A small amount of bamboo leaf tea, crystal sugar amount, can be brewed with boiling water. Bamboo leaves Qing Qing, dampness, diuretic. Bamboo leaf tea is available on the market. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica," it has the effects of heat, detoxification, and diuresis. After adding rock sugar, the scent of the tea brewed is clear and fragrant.

6. Eucommia tea

With the role of blood and strong bones and muscles, it is helpful for people who are often sedentary and have back pain.

7, mint green

Watermelon Chuiyi 6g, lotus core 7 and mint leaf 3, directly brewed with hot water, drink after a little cooler. Mint green heat, Jieshu, Chufan. Watermelon Cuiyi is the outermost thin layer of green skin of watermelon rind, gently cut with a knife, with the best fresh, can also be dried after the sun, there is a good Qingre heat effect; lotus core with heat, soothe the nerves The kung fu, coupled with breeze, cooling mint leaves, these three kinds of crisp green tea composition, is the summer's most effective summer heat to share.

8, cassia tea

There are the role of heat, eyesight, Bunao, liver and qi, Yijin bone, if there are constipation people can also drink after dinner, for the treatment of constipation very effective.

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