Diabetes and heart disease are actually "death combination"


Diabetes and heart disease are actually "death combination"

June 15, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Recently, researchers from UConn Health reanalyzed the results of a previous global clinical study that found that patients with type 2 diabetes who were hospitalized for congestive heart failure were at risk of dying within the next 18 months. Up to about 25%. The relevant research results are published online in the international academic journal Diabetes Care.
Type 2 diabetes patients are two to three times more likely to develop heart disease than obesity and high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, etc., and there are some experts who worry about some drugs that help control blood sugar. It can cause heart damage, and even insulin can promote heart disease.
Because of the strong correlation between diabetes and heart disease, the FDA now requires all new anti-diabetic drugs to be tested for heart disease and stroke.
Previously, Professor William B. White of UConn Health and researchers from 899 medical research institutions around the world tested the antidiabetic drug alogliptin (Nesina), a DPP4 inhibitor. The researchers recruited 5,380 patients with type 2 diabetes who had non-fatal acute coronary syndromes such as heart disease and unstable angina and were randomized into two groups, one taking alogliptin and the other taking a placebo. The patient was then observed for up to three years. The main findings of the study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2013. The study did not find differences in avaliptin versus placebo patients in cardiovascular disease deaths, heart attacks, and strokes.
In this study, the researchers conducted a series of recent analyses and found that patients with type 2 diabetes who were admitted to hospital with heart failure due to alogliptin had a 24% to 28% risk of dying for the rest of the study. The risk was more than five times that of patients who did not experience non-fatal cardiovascular events in the study.
Researchers say patients with type 2 diabetes should pay more attention to the occurrence of congestive heart failure. They also pointed out that in the future, type 2 diabetes and heart disease research, heart failure should be the same as stroke, heart disease and unstable angina. s concern.


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