Quick treatment of wet food in summer


With the arrival of summer rain, the phenomena of moisture in food or leakage of rainwater is more prominent. If farmers adopt timely measures to deal with it, they can maintain the original quality of food and at the same time, they can also recover unnecessary economic losses. First, salt spraying method. Salt is the iodized salt or unrefined sea salt that people eat in their lives. Wet the wet food stalls first on the floor or on the drying table, spray evenly with a certain concentration of salt water, and mix them with wetness. According to practice, a 0.75% saline solution spray can prevent germination, and 0.1% salt spray can prevent graininess. The greater the grain moisture, the higher the salt concentration requirement. The wet food sprayed with salt water can usually be kept safely for about 10 days. This is because the calcium chloride and magnesium chloride contained in table salt have hygroscopicity. After spraying it with wet grain, it can absorb the moisture in the grain while auto-solubilizing and infiltrating into the interior of the rice grain, so that the physiological activity of the wet grain embryo is suppressed. Do not cause fever, sprouts and mildew. Second, bleach mixed (spray) food method. Bleach is a strong oxidant that has the effect of killing harmful microorganisms. The specific method is to mix 1 kg of bleaching powder with 1000 kg of wet food, or add 5 times of diluted water to bleaching powder and spray it on wet food. Cover it with plastic film and seal it for 2-3 days. Then uncover the looseness and looseness, and moisten the food within 10 days. No heat, no buds and mildew. In addition, wet corn can also be treated by this method. Third, vinegar spray food method. The mixing of vinegar and wet grain can evenly wrap each grain and form a protective film to prevent the outside air from coming into contact with the wet grain, thereby inhibiting the respiration of the wet grain itself and the growth and reproduction of various molds. So that in the short term, the wet grain will not shoot or mold. The specific method is to properly clean and remove the impurities in the wet food, and pile them into small piles in the indoor ventilation place. Spray food at a rate of 2-2.5 kilograms of vinegar per 500 kilograms of food and mix well after spraying. This method is only applicable to rice. Fourth, alum mixed food law. Mix 1 kg of alum per 100 kg of wet grain, and put it in a cool and ventilated place after mixing to delay the germination and mildew of wet grain. If the plastic film is sealed, the effect is better.