Mushroom open cultivation techniques


Mushroom open field cultivation process is simplified, labor is reduced, the yield is high, and the province has a good efficiency. It is a new cultivation method worthy of promotion. (a) The development of boring machines is to select early rice fields with high topography, good drainage conditions, near water sources, and few diseases and miscellaneous bacteria. In late September, it will be built in the north and south direction with a bed width of 100 cm and a 15 cm wide earth shed in the middle to form two ridges. The length is within 20 meters. The gongs are built around the gongs, and the width and height are each 1 centimeter. , but the small lotus root can not be real, bed soil must be loose, broken, in order to facilitate the mycelium sprouting mushroom. (II) The culture materials used for cultivating the cultivated mushrooms are slightly younger than those cultivated indoors. The moisture is slightly dryer than that of the indoor cultivation, and the water content is 55% to 58%. When the hand holds the culture material, the hands are slightly wet. Do not drop water. (3) After the mushroom bed is sterilized and used as a mushroom bed, when the culture material composting fermentation has reached the basic decomposing standard, it can enter the bed. Before entering the bed, we must first carry out a pest control and disinfection of the mushroom bed and four weeks. Disinfect first with 0.5% dichlorvos, 0.15% carbendazim, and then sprinkle with lime powder again. This will not only kill pests and germs, but also regulate the pH of the soil and maintain the proper pH needed for mushroom growth. (D) to bed planting mushroom culture material into the bed faster, evenly used per bed, thickness of 10-15 cm, paved turtle shape, the long material in the culture material on the bottom or middle of the bed, feces and The short grass is placed on the top, and then the seed is started, and sowing is better. (5) Management during the germination period When the strains are sown, if the bed is too dry, lime water can be poured on the small soil around the bed, but it cannot be poured on the culture materials of the sown strains. The black film was quickly covered and covered with a straw curtain on the black film to prevent sun exposure, and the hyphae of the burns affected the germs. After 2 days, the villous hyphae generally germinate. After 10 days, the hyphae of the mushroom must grow into the material. If the mycelium stretches slowly, measures must be taken. First, the film should be opened at night without wind and rain, and the ventilation should be large. Promote bacterial growth; Second, use bamboo picks to pick culture materials, stir every 10 centimeters to improve ventilation, which is the best way to speed up the bacteria. After 10-12 days of bacterial administration, mycelia can generally grow to more than half of the medium and can be covered with soil. The method is the same as that of indoor bed cultivation. Because of the outdoor dryness, the soil layer can be slightly thicker. But do not wait for the mycelium to be applied in the end and then cover the soil, otherwise the anti-bottom mushroom and the land mushroom will grow in large numbers and seriously affect the quality. (6) After mushrooming management, when there are bacterial buds, mushroom water must be sprayed. In order to obtain a mushrooming opportunity on the small soil around the mushroom bed, it is necessary to pour water on each side of the bed. When the temperature is above 20°C, watering should be stopped, 1-2 times a day. The moisture on the surface of the mushroom bed is insufficient, or the mushroom grows densely. When the light rain falls, the film can be lifted to increase the humidity and improve. Ventilation. (7) Pests and diseases Pest for controlling mushrooms and insect pests are more wild, especially under conditions of high temperature and high humidity. Control methods: (1) Spray 0.5% saline when the mushroom is effective; (2) Capture by hand and sprinkle lime around the mushroom bed, which can be reduced without harm.