Pomegranate pots and conservation


"The strange tree in the world, the name of Kyushu is also fruit." This is the name of the pomegranate by Jin Ren Pan Yue. For thousands of years, wild pomegranates have grown into two groups under cultivation and domestication: one for ornamental flower pomegranates and the other for edible pomegranates. The ornamental flower pomegranate is divided into two kinds of flowers, such as flower and fruit, but it is famous for its colorful flowers. Especially when the springtime went by, and when things were going wrong, the red pomegranate flowers jumped on the branches. There really was a poetic picture of “a little green in a million green clusters.” (a) the management of the breeding pile stage production of bonsai more use of short stature, small leaves, flowers and small pomegranate species, such as fire pomegranate, pomegranate all seasons, agate pomegranate and other varieties. Pomegranate breeding can be used sowing method, cutting method. The saplings obtained by the above two methods must be planted for more than three years before being cut into thousands of small and mid-sized bonsai plants. To make large-scale bonsai, the trees can be excavated in the mountains or the old pile of pomegranates can be purchased in the bazaar. (b) Management of the pruning cultivation stage According to the form of the pomegranate trees, the tree trunks are cut at an appropriate height of the trunk and the main branches are truncated. Pomegranate bonsai can be made into straight dry, oblique dry, curved dry and other styles, some ancient pomegranate bonsai, the trunk has two pieces of bark with xylem, each bark on the top of the branches with knots fruit. Contrast charm is more concentrated. Pomegranate trees have a certain degree of cold-resistance. They are protected slightly at the leeward sunny side and can be used for outdoor wintering in Beijing. To make the trees grow faster, plant them in the ground. The pomegranate tree is hi-fertilizer. In addition to basal fertilizer applied during planting, during the vigorous growth season in spring and summer, a thin and thin organic fertilizer is applied once every half-month. The growth rate of pomegranate trees is relatively fast. When the thickness of branches reaches a desired degree of 70%, the branches are shortened and the growth of lateral branches is promoted. (III) Management of the molding stage After several years of pruning and pruning, when the pomegranate tree basically meets the requirements of the design composition, pomegranate stumps are planted in the appropriate size of ornamental pots in the early spring. Direct-drying and dry-drying can be used. In the pots with medium or shallow depths in the middle of the ellipse, the curved dry type can be planted in square medium deep pots. During this stage of cultivation, appropriate fertilization is still needed to promote the growth of the trees and better shape, on the other hand. Also take into account the need for appreciation. (D) After the conservation of the pomegranate bonsai after molding cultivation after a certain number of cultivation after trimming maintenance, based on the maintenance of modeling, to achieve the purpose of the spring view of the flower autumn view (of course, the view of the pomegranate is not the result), pay attention to the following points : 1. The plastic pomegranate tree has a strong germination force and grows several new branches within a year. The robust new shoots that grow in the spring generally form the mother tree, and the short shoots or axillary buds growing from these branches in the spring of the year often give birth to short new shoots. The flowers in the top buds are most likely to set fruit. The buds that grow in summer and autumn should be removed in time. Pomegranate bonsai shaping, often carried out in the spring before the bud, cut leggy branches, too dense branches, thin branches, we must pay attention to retain those robust mother results. 2. The fertilizing pomegranate tree is more than the usual flowers and plants, and the bottom of the pot is put in place with more fermented shoe pieces or cake fat. Fertilizers with more phosphorus should be applied during the vigorous growth period in spring and summer. 3, light and watering from late April to early June this time, is the pomegranate bud, should be sufficient light and watering should be appropriate, so that the pot soil dry. When the young shoots of the shoots are slightly flaccid, place the pomegranate tree in the shade for 30 minutes and then pour the water into the pot. This repeated several times, about 20 days can appear buds. 4. After the fruits of fruit shrubs are taken in prison, the fruits that do not need too much shape should be cut off. A medium-sized pomegranate bonsai can have 3 to 5 fruits. The distribution of fruits must be scattered, dense, and sparse, and cannot be equidistant. If too many fruits appear to be disorganized, it will affect the results of the next year.