Vegetable planting and shed isolation


After the high temperature and stuffy sheds in summer, the pests and diseases in the sheds are basically eliminated, but many sheds still appear pests, especially thrips and other pests. What is the reason? In fact, most of these pests are spread from the outside world again of. Before planting vegetables, the shed must be isolated to avoid the spread of pests and diseases by personnel and seedlings.

Isolate the indoor and outdoor of the shed. Weed-proof cloths are laid around the shed, and the vents are equipped with tight insect-proof nets. It is an important means to isolate the indoor and outdoor sheds to prevent the spread of pests.

Personnel entering and exiting disinfection The shed was cleaned after passing through the stuffy shed, but there were still a large number of diseases and insects outside the shed, especially the stems and so on piled up around the shed after pulling out the garden, resulting in a large number of pathogens and nematodes around the shed. The daily entry and exit of people is also an important way to cause the spread of pests. You can spread lime powder over 2 meters at the door of the shed, or change shoes in and out, which can play a certain role in disinfection and prevent the spread of pests and diseases.

Do a good job of seedling inspection. Many vegetable growers report that the seedlings are planted for more than ten days and there are a lot of thrips in the shed, but the shed and the insect-proof net are good. Why are there so many insects? In fact, seedlings are also an important way to carry pests. . If you want the seedlings to grow well, you must first ensure that the seedlings are healthy, carefully check the growth points, leaves, stems, roots and other parts of the seedlings to be comprehensive and meticulous. Once you find disease spots or symptoms of thrips, yellow mites, etc., Disinfect the seedlings before entering the shed for planting. Before seedlings are planted, they can be treated with Bacillus subtilis, Trichoderma harzianum, Bacillus cereus and other targeted treatments to eliminate potential hidden dangers such as pathogens and nematodes.

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