What are the benefits of eating fruits in winter and eating fruits in winter?


The weather in winter is relatively dry, and eating more fruits is very beneficial to the body. Fruits contain various nutrients that can regulate metabolism in the body, prevent diseases, and promote health.

If you can eat some fruit every day, it will be good for the body. Fruit is an indispensable food in our lives. Regularly eating fruits can provide the body with the vitamins, trace elements, etc. that are needed, greatly improving the body's immune system; It nourishes the skin and prevents dry skin.


The benefits of eating apples in winter

Vitamin C in apples is the heart of cardiovascular protection and the heart of heart disease patients. People who eat more apples are far less likely to catch cold than those who do not eat or eat apples. Therefore, scientists and physicians call apples "a full range of healthy fruits" or "general practitioners." Now that air pollution is severe in winter, eating more apples can improve the respiratory system and lung function, and protect the lungs from dust and smoke in the air. In addition, the glial and trace element chromium in apples can maintain the stability of blood sugar, so Apple is not only a healthy snack for diabetics, but also an essential fruit for anyone who wants to control blood sugar. And it can also effectively lower cholesterol. Apple can also prevent cancer and prevent lead poisoning. The motherland medicine believes that Apple has the effects of thirst, lungs, qi and irritability, spleen-enriching the stomach, nourishing qi, nourishing the intestines, stopping diarrhea, relieves heat, and sober up. The current urban life rhythm is very tight, and the professional crowd is under great pressure. Many people have varying degrees of tension and depression. When they pick up an apple, the bad mood will be eased, and there will be refreshment. Work.

The benefits of eating oranges in winter

Oranges have a high nutritional value, which is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin P and citric acid, malic acid, pectin, flavonoids, carotene, fiber and other ingredients. Vitamin C and P supplementation help to increase body resistance, increase capillary elasticity, reduce absorption of exogenous cholesterol, and lower blood lipids; cellulose and pectin can promote intestinal peristalsis, help to remove toxins from the body, and ease laxative Orange skin is mild bitter, cough and phlegm no less than tangerine peel, for the ease of cold cough, loss of appetite, chest tightness, abdominal distension have an excellent effect.

Eating oranges in winter can also help improve immunity and help prevent influenza and colds. In the winter, you often eat oily, high-fat foods. Eating oranges also helps you lose weight. In addition to the high vitamin content of oranges, calcium, phosphorus, iron, citric acid, hesperidin, carotene, pectin and other ingredients are also abundant. What's more, the oranges are multi-fiber, low-calorie fruits that contain natural sugars. They don't have to worry about fat when eating, and the cellulose in the oranges also helps detoxification, which in turn reduces weight.


The benefits of eating ponkan in winter

Lugan contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, all of which are indispensable substances in human tissues. They have the effect of keeping fit and healthy; Lugan contains a certain amount of hesperidin, which is vitamin P, and can strengthen capillaries. The resilience, lowering blood pressure, and dilating the heart's coronary arteries can play a preventive role in coronary heart disease. The thin skin that we eat together with the citrus fruit pulp contains dietary fiber and pectin. The former can promote excretion and prevent constipation, while the latter can reduce the cholesterol level in the blood and reverse the atherosclerosis. Contains vitamin C and citric acid, which can eliminate fatigue and anti-aging; In addition, citrus has the effect of promoting appetite, qi and stomach.

Benefits of eating sugar cane in winter

Sugarcane is a fruit with high moisture content. Its moisture content is 84% ​​of sugarcane. We can't chewing sugarcane because it squeezes its moisture! And want to add savory moisture in the dry winter, that sugar cane is essential.

Secondly, the iron content of sugarcane is among the highest in many fruits. It has nourishing heat, as a cool tonic, for the treatment of hypoglycemia, dry stool, urination, upset thirst, nausea and vomiting, cough and asthma caused by dryness and other symptoms have a certain effect.


The benefits of eating kiwi in winter

Kiwifruit is rich in nutrients, rich in vitamins, and its vitamin C content is particularly rich. Every day you eat a kiwifruit, you can make up for your body's all-day needs. In winter, the weather is dry, and the body's nutrients are easily lost. This is what you eat. The best time for kiwifruit is. The efficacy of kiwifruit also includes the promotion of immune function, treatment of liver diseases, indigestion, anemia, urinary problems, respiratory diseases, brain diseases and so on. It also increases red blood cell production and strengthens teeth and nails.

The benefits of eating grapefruit in winter

Grapefruit has the function of lung purging. Second, the benefits of grapefruit to the human body are far from this. Grapefruit is rich in protein, sugar, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin P, carotene, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. Many of these ingredients are of great help to human health care and disease prevention. For example, the pomelo peel contains less blood viscosity, which can reduce the formation of blood clots, and has a good effect on the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Grapefruit pectin can not only reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein, but also reduce the degree of damage to the arterial wall. The grapefruit meat contains a component similar to the role of insulin, chromium, can reduce blood sugar, eat a certain degree of help for patients with diabetes. In addition, grapefruit contains potassium but is almost free of sodium, and is also an ideal fruit for patients with kidney disease. Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit flesh is cold, sweet and sour, and has the effects of qi and phlegm, lungs and intestines, and blood and spleen.

Grapefruit also has a very good effect to help lose weight, grapefruit fiber content, easy to produce satiety. For every 100 grams of edible portion, the moisture content is 84%, the protein content is 0.7%, and the carbohydrate content is about 12%. The calories are only 50-60 kcal. Grapefruit rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and other substances, anti-aging, skin beauty has a good effect, is the ideal winter fruit.

Cosmetics Raw Material

Cosmetics are a mixture of various raw materials processed by reasonable allocation. There are many kinds of cosmetics with different properties. According to the cosmetic raw material performance and use, can be divided into two categories of substrate raw materials and auxiliary raw materials. The former is a kind of main raw material of cosmetics, which occupies a large proportion in cosmetics formula and plays a major role in cosmetics. The latter play a role in shaping, stabilizing, or imbuing cosmetics with color, fragrance and other properties that are extremely important in small amounts in cosmetic formulations. Cosmetics is with natural, synthetic or extract all sorts of action different material as raw material, via heating, agitation and emulsification wait for production program processing and become chemical mixture material.

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