Eat vitamin B food


Gu Yu time: generally in the Gregorian calendar between April 19-21.

Gu Yu is the last solar term in the spring. It is said to have "clear snow, broken rain and frost". At this time, the amount of rainfall began to increase, which was particularly suitable for the growth of crops. The so-called “grain rain” means “rainwater has hundreds of valleys”.

Spring is the season of high incidence of mental illness. In the last solar term of the spring, people can eat some foods that can relieve stress and regulate emotions, in addition to emotional adjustment through mental health care.

In recent years, nutrition and psychophysiological studies have shown that diet has a certain impact on the body's mood. For example, people who like to eat sweets have a mild temperament. Some foods contain some nutrients that increase the content of a neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain, making people feel calm, happy and even relieve pain. .

Some research data confirm that eating more foods containing vitamin B family has obvious effects on improving depressive symptoms. Other studies have observed that eating more alkaline foods can help ease the irritability of the body. Therefore, people who are prone to anger and angry eat more shellfish, shrimp, crab, fish, kelp and other seafood to improve their personality and stabilize their emotions.

Vitamin B rich foods include: wheat germ flour, standard flour, standard noodles, buckwheat flour, soba noodles, barley, millet, soybeans and other beans, sunflower seeds, raw peanuts, black sesame seeds, sesame seeds and lean meat Wait.

Alkaline foods include: kelp, natural green algae, grapes, white radish, soybeans, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, papaya, strawberries, protein, dried plums, lemons, spinach, and the like.

Diet that can regulate body emotions: breakfast: soy milk, bread (or steamed bread, rice), fresh side dishes (such as seaweed), Chinese food: staple rice or taro, and non-staple vegetarian dishes, mainly vegetarian, such as vegetables, tofu The amount of lean meat and soup (such as tomato and egg soup, Haimi seaweed soup, etc.); dinner: staple rice or pasta, non-staple food is mainly based on green vegetables and a variety of porridge (such as rice porridge, millet porridge, bean porridge, lotus seeds Congee, etc.); eat one to two slices of bread and drink a glass of milk for half an hour before going to bed.

If we can master the above dietary principles flexibly, we will improve the mental state of the human body and facilitate the maintenance of the spirit.

Goji Pomegranate Juice


The enveloping heating gently curls up under the rising sun

Reflected in a golden halo

Early morning of the harvest season

Local fruit grower in Antalya, Turkey

Pluck the pomegranate tree

Red pomegranate with crystal clear dew

This moment

Antalya Red Pomegranate, Turkey

Has embarked on a fantastic and beautiful journey

It is about to meet its eternal companion

Red Power fresh goji berry puree...

Goji Juice Pomegranate Juice 8

Like a girl's pink, as sweet as a first love, the delicious juice of the pink powder from this encounter is enough to stir the girl's heart, and the feeling of drinking the first bite is like an elf dancing on the taste buds in the forest.

Advanced wall-breaking technology restores the beauty of nature. Every drop of pomegranate and wolfberry puree is a gift of nature.

Goji Juice Pomegranate Juice 1

70% wolfberry puree, plus 30% red pomegranate puree, modern craftsmanship, classic ratio, fantasy match after thousands of tempers, layer by layer extraction, only the secret of a new life against the age.

Pomegranate contains a lot of pomegranate polyphenols, ellagic acid, anthocyanins and coenzyme Q10. These ingredients can help renew cells, increase skin elasticity, scavenge free radicals, resist oxidation and block the growth of melanin, effectively whitening and lightening spots. Coenzyme Q10 can also soften the heart and brain blood vessels, promote the body's metabolism, and make the body light and burden-free from the inside to the outside.

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Lycium barbarum contains Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, betaine and carotenoids. While anti-aging and anti-oxidant, it can also nourish the liver, protect the kidneys and improve eyesight.

Fresh wolfberry is picked from the field to the factory through cleaning, secondary washing, crushing, beating, high-pressure homogenization, pasteurization, aseptic filling and other processes.

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The fresh red pomegranate fruit undergoes processes such as washing, peeling, beating, coarse filtration, enzymolysis, enzyme inactivation, blending, fine filtration, filling, sterilization, and cooling.

Red Power do not lose nutrition at the same time, and there is no preservatives, sugar, water, pigment, suspending agent, caffeine, etc., no secondary pollution, original flavor, more nutritious and healthier.

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Goji Pomegranate Beverage,Goji Pomegranate Drink,Goji Pomegranate Puree,NFC Goji Pomegranate Juice

Ningxia Red Power Goji Co., Ltd. ,