Interaction between dryer cylinder design and material viscosity


The rotation of the dryer cylinder and the internal structure are very large at the beginning of the design due to the characteristics of the fluid material. How does the viscosity of the material flow when it flows? The following is the principle of the material viscosity of the dryer.

The material of the dryer has fluidity, and frictional force is generated during the relative movement of the dryer cylinder, and the characteristic of preventing the movement of the fluid is made sticky. The movement in the dryer is embodied by the greater the viscosity of the material and the lower the fluidity. The amount of material stickiness is measured by viscosity.

When the material flows through the cylinder of the dryer, due to the uneven surface of the solid surface of the cylinder and the gravitational attraction of the solid wall, the wall surface of the dryer will restrain the material point of the material, so that the material point of the near wall adheres to the wall surface. The speed is zero. Due to the gravitational interaction between the internal molecules of the dryer material and the momentum exchange caused by the thermal motion, the stationary material particles on the cylinder surface block the flow of the adjacent material layer particles, making its flow rate slower and slower. A layer of material points constrains a layer of fluid that is adjacent to the faster speed, so that it affects and restricts each other in the inner layer of the dryer. This interaction weakens as the distance from the dryer barrel increases, creating a velocity gradient inside the material. The fluid flow rate in the center of the drying cylinder is the largest, and the flow rate of the material closer to the cylinder wall is smaller, and the flow rate of the material close to the cylinder wall is zero. The interaction force between the two adjacent material layers in the moving material is the internal friction of the material and also the performance of the fluid viscosity.

In the actual drying of the dryer, the material does not always advance along the cylinder, and proceeds forward and downward according to the drum of the cylinder. Reduces friction during advancement.